Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Surprise..

This Christmas I got a Christmas present from an actual husband of my very own which is still WEIRD to think about. However, I underestimated the boy. Shawn has been doing research all semester and he definitely does not do it for the money, I am a witness of that. He studies long hours and works soo hard, and I would rather him not have a job because I already don't see him enough!! however that definitely leaves us with limited funds.

I wasn't expecting much of a Christmas present, if anything-because I knew he has been so busy with finals. I didn't know until recently that my poor boy was donating plasma (and even passed out), worked for his dad in Arizona, and found little ways to pull together quite a stash for...a Cannon Rebel xti camera. Impressive is it not?? It was a present even worthy of tears..He worked really hard for the money, and that means more to me then a camera ever will. We haven't gone to get it yet..but we are many steps closer then we ever were before.

I am trying to rediscover my creative brain..currently my brain only works in reading and science...any advice on how to use the thing is welcome.

I am so sad that today is the last day of 2009, I have come to grow very fond of this year. It was the year we were married, the year I freaked out and we almost didn't get married, the year I realized I'm so happy I didn't freak out one step further and ruin it all, the year we decorated our own apartment and stayed up all night hanging pictures on the walls, the year we went to sleep starving some nights because I can't cook, the year I received amazing in-laws, the year I had to work full time ALL year, the year we bought hand me down couches that we love, the year I finally enjoyed living close to the city and started feeling completely at home somewhere besides Idaho.

2009 had those days where I woke up on the wrong side of the bed..the days where I thought life was over and couldn't get any worse, the days we were really poor, the days full of final exams and final senior papers...Regardless of the circumstances, I'm grateful for the memories of this year. Here's to the end of 2009. It's over whether we are welcoming it out the door, or wishing it would stay. 2009 is a year of the past, Happy NEW YEAR!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

'Tis the Season...

Time flies! We have been so busy lately, with lots of different things. I don't mind being busy, and being exhausted at the end of the day feels pretty good sometimes, however today is one of those rare days that has time to include my very favorite thing-a nice break. It doesn't happen often. Shawn has finals so he has been studying since 630, I on the other hand slept in, went to the gym, took a bath, and even wrote in my journal. I love the holidays, and the music and the lights we can see from our window. Today when I was in our empty apartment I couldn't help but think about how much I have loved this holiday season, and how blessed I have been in 2009. Here is a picture of Shawn just relaxing, I haven't seen him do this since the semester started..the picture also includes my red couches which are my favorite thing that I own, thanks to my Aunt Lori. And a lot more pictures that include a few of our recent exciting events

We went home this year for Thanksgiving, I love having Idaho as my home to visit. My mom worked so hard to have us home and I REALLY appreciate it, it was obvious how much time she had spent-our house was decorated so cute as usual, and she even put up some lights outside all by herself, which I was impressed with-I could never do that. Here are a few thanksgiving pics, my favorite is the sign Abby made to welcome us home and to her room which was where we stayed while we were home. Abby is the greatest little sister a girl could ever ask for. She is everyone in the family's biggest fan, it feels good to know she is always up waiting when we go home.

We went to my grandparent’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Tyler has always been so good with our little cousins, and Shawn has joined right in on the fun. They both are also so good to Abby, and now even to her new dog Bentley. I am not a dog person, but even I became a fan. Abby loves Tyler and Shawn, It’s nice to have boys around in the house again.

A few weeks ago we went to Callie’s wedding. She looked so beautiful, her reception was perfect! The majority of memories most associated with Callie and I in our younger days are probably not very precious ones. Fortunately for us, life’s all about doing better next time. I sure love that girl and she is one of my favorite people alive. We also love Tyler and are happy they will only live a short drive away from us. It was my first opportunity to witness a sealing and be in the temple for a wedding, I was so excited and was not disappointed.

Also, Shawn's family took us on a cruise last weekend. It was not only the same cruise line, but the same ship we went on on our honeymoon. I'm not much of a romantic person..and even for me I had a few flashbacks, it felt exactly like our honeymoon again. It was SO fun not to mention soo nice of them to take us. I have never met a boy who loves his family as much as Shawn does. The weather was a little chilly sometimes, but the fun we had had nothing to do with our destinations on the cruise-it had everything to do with the fact that the entire family was together. I can't believe I have only been a part of Shawn's family for 4 months because it seems like so much longer, they are SO fun and easy to be around-and I really don't know how I survived 22 years without them. I am very lucky to be a part of another great Allen family. We had so much fun I will post more pictures later..
This time we had windows in our was so cool to see the ocean at night. I wish the little bum was mine, but it's Shawn's little sister Megan's.

P.S. WE have our OWN christmas tree!! Shawn waited to get this tree on sale at 3 am at Walmart, all by himself with my brother in law Tyler. I was so proud of him for staying awake, and getting the right tree at the right price, and the right size ha. Us girls were already gone shopping by the time they left-they stayed up all night playing nintendo so I was worried they would miss it, but they came home with everything on the list-including this little piece of joy!

we had to be pretty cheap, I used leftovers from our wedding..haha it's nothing like my mom's but we love sitting in our living room with the lights on. Happy Holiday's everyone..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Like Husband..Like Wife

We have many miserable tasks (ones we must secretly love) that lately have brought us some sort of twisted type of joy..
1. Chemistry-

Unfortunately, Shawn is spending many hours studying chemistry and biology. He has been doing really well and I am impressed by him, and also admire him. I on the other hand I am taking a chemistry class online-to be prepared in case I ever may want to go to grad school. I sign up for things like this sometimes and get ahead of myself on those rare days when I feel ultra motivated. And then I realize what was I thinking ($430 later).It is nice that we both are studying the same brings us together as nerdy as we are.
2. Primary Children's..

Shawn has been doing a research internship in a lab at the University of Utah and PCMC. He assists in doing research on children who have what he calls "NF1". The only reason I like it is because one of the clinics he works in is in Primary Children's and so recently I have had a built in lunch buddy on all my lunch breaks. I have spent a lot of time at the hospital over the past year and a half (I can't believe I have kept one job that long)..and am realizing how much I love going to work-on most days at least..and how much I love the bright resilient faces of sick children that greet me there. Most of all I love the things I learn every day, and probably will keep learning as long as I work there. It will be really hard when I ever have to leave that place that gave me my first nursing home.

3.Early mornings:
Shawn and I leave the house everyday USUALLY before 7 am Monday-Thursday. I go to work three of the days, Shawn goes to school all of those days. We usually get home around eight, go to the gym and are exhausted by the time we hit the pillow. Our weekends however are the opposite-we try to make sure we are as lazy as can be..especially on Sundays. We are ALWAYS together-actually almost 24/7. We leave at 630 together, we meet up for lunch, we drive home together...

We have a lot in common..Like Husband-Like Wife.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confessions of an honest housewife..

Well, I had big dreams. I had dreams of being a housewife that always had beautiful hair when her husband returned home for the day, and dinner fresh on the stove in a sparkling clean kitchen-oh ya with cookies baking and all the toilets scrubbed. I had dreams of bringing my nursing skills home from work and nursing my husband back to full health after a week of midterms, an internship and chemistry lab. I had plans for always having matching socks, fresh folded laundry and a painted entertainment center. I pictured well my husband getting off the trax to see his cute wife, who of course gets skinnier and more young and beautiful by the day, right on time to greet him with a bright white smile and a huge happy hug.

CONFESSION: NONE of this has happened for more then two consecutive days in a row. My hair has donned the beloved ponytail at least 85% of our married life, however I am nice enough to spice it up with a plethora of different headbands-and if we are lucky possibly a braid. My enthusiasm for cooking is starting to diminish as I have realized the dreaded truth that by the time I buy every ingredient for a recipe, mess up the kitchen, slice my hand on a soup can while talking on the phone, and proceed to clean up the kitchen-I may as well have spent ten dollars on takeout. I would spend ten dollars to save that hassle..even if I am on a budget. OH wait..and since Shawn is nice enough to take the trax while we are living the glorious newlywed life of one car-he has yet to get off the Trax and find his faithful wife there waiting. Instead..he sees a black corolla squealing into the parking lot, trying-just trying to live her dream. And that my friends is how I ended up with my $150 dollar ticket this week.

We have a wonderful life despite my struggles..Usually when we throw our feet up at the end of the day..Shawn is wearing one NIke sock and one pink little girl sock (my fault)..Last week I did forget to empty the lint in the process of working on my fresh laundry-and we had a very terrifying disaster that I won't include..

But we laugh our heads off together-just the two of us in our lovely apartment that smells like fall, and we laugh that we are slightly pathetic..and we write goals every Sunday of how our next week will be better..and eventually we will. Just wait and see..but eventually is not right now. For now, if you need us-we will be just enjoying eachother's company and forgetting about the fire starting in our drier, the burnt chicken on the oven, and the fact that we were late for school and work not one, but two days in a row. I dare you to compete with that..:) Happy Homemaking everyone--

Friday, October 23, 2009


I have to say I am in love with the season of fall. Not only is it my birthday and my cute little sister Abba's birthday (which is always a plus) it also means little kids at our complex start walking up the streets with their backpacks on and new little shoes. The beautiful trees lining the streets show off all different colors and I can't help but stare out the window more often then usual. Our neighbors-Erica and Austin-are the cutest little things I have ever seen walk back from a bus stop. It took us a while to be used to having 5 and 6 year old visitors who thought they were welcome at all times-but now that I am used to it I can't help but love them. Yesterday they knocked on our door dressed as a queen and a bumblebee transformer..The day before that they brought us pumpkins right from the pumpkin patch-Lucky Us! They add excitement to our lives-I need to post pictures of them soon.
Here are a few pics of our fall thus far..Please excuse my hand signs-Shawn is still in this little phase where he loves those-he insists in some pictures I make an A for the "A-team" or A for "ALLEN". A IS apparently our favorite letter, but still I don't think those signs are necessary.

Our drive to ARIZONA was beautiful through the canyons last week. Usually I fall right asleep to the lovely lull of the car no matter how hard I try-but not this time. This trip I stayed awake and had long conversations while we looked at the trees. I really believe that the air smells better in the fall, the mountains are prettier, and my body is happier warmed up in sweaters and boots. I am ready to bring out the pumpkin carving, hot chocolate and potato soup. I have spent all my spare change these past few weeks on autumn leafy garland or pumpkin and apple cider candles. Oh ya and on an extremely cute pumpkin hat for our niece Kylee. Nothing makes me happier then when Shawn comes home from school with Maverik's wonderful pumpkin frozen yogurt and we throw in an episode of Grey's Anatomy. If you haven't tried pumpkin frozen yogurt from Maverik PLEASE do.

oh also..Last night was my dear friend Natasha's birthday and we all went to was so fun to be out with all my old roomies and it's so crazy that almost all of us are married!! I love them all oh so much. It was a wonderful night..
This picture is very scary of me and my sweater..but I never get to see them so I have to put it up anyway-for old times sake.
Happy Fall!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Free Time??

Free Time. What the heck is that anyway? I think it is something that nursing school may have unintentionally robbed me of...and then Primary Children's training took over from there and sucked up whatever small seconds remained. FINALLY after a year and a half at the hospital things have slightly calmed and I am actually feeling like I can trust myself as a nurse. FINALLY I finished my Bachelors degree right before Shawn and I got married. Which means, after three and half very long years I am so ecstatic to admit that the words Free Time are sneaking back into my vocabulary.
Now I will become a better friend and a better family member, now I will clean my house better and keep my closet walk-inable (ya right). Now I will not fall asleep in the middle of listening to the stories of people I love (many of you have witnessed this)It almost seems to good to be true.
On the other hand, I realized when I went to Tonga and visited such a relaxed island, that unfortunately I am not one who can stand free time and low stress. As much as I wish I could I secretly think I thrive off of it. I have developed a few ideas to suck this free time right up..

Scrapbooking..I am so behind but my sister and mother-in-law have just given me VERY fun new things so I can't wait to catch up.

Photography Workshop..As soon as I can I am planning to sign up for a hopeful workshop with my wedding photographer because her pictures completely inspired me. I have been telling my mom for weeks that I want to get that started..

Babies..NOT ours. within the next few months Shawn and I will have 5new nieces/nephews. We are SOO excited. His sister just adopted the most adorable little girl who already stole our hearts this past week in Arizona. Shawn's other sister Melissa is due in the spring-as well as my sister Jaimee and two of my step sisters. we are so excited.

THE GYM: There are times I have told Shawn I would rather starve for three days then go to the gym for one hour after I have a long day at work! Hopefully, that attitude is out the window now that I have my new friend in my life called Free time..please encourage me.

Anyone have any photo suggestions..or scrapbooking websites..Let me know! I'm posting some pictures soon of our recent trip to Arizona.. Hope everyone is doing great! Thanks all of you for keeping in touch :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Country Roots

This post includes the reasons that I believe my Rexburg-may I even say the word "BURTON" roots run straight to my core. Although I drive everyday on freeways that terrify me because they have so many lanes..and arrive at work in a hospital that is right smack in downtown Salt Lake-which likely has more buildings then all of Southeast Idaho, this is the way I have been spending my free time.
Over Labor Day weekend we decided to go camping with Jaimee and Tyler. Their job was to get the food while Shawn and I found that perfect spot. I believe that was mistake number one. Why would any of us ever select Shawn and I for that job?? I really don't know. Fortunately, Shawn and I found that glorious perfect spot. Jaimee and Tyler arrived and we couldn't wait to show it off in all our pride and excitement. here are a few pics of campsite number ONE...
Keep in mind as you look that that manly man looking for firewood is the new varsity scout leader/teachers quorum advisor in our ward..haha :)

Right when our lives seemed as if they couldn't get any better..and our tummys were full with roasted hot dogs and smores we see the beam of a flashlight coming from a cop. Pretty quickly we were putting all of our stuff away, and moving it all to a different campsite..and paying a $120 dollar ticket. How annoying!! We honestly didn't see any NO camping signs..I have to admit I haven't felt more Idaho then when I saw that cop. What is it with campfires--they ALWAYS seem to get shut down..Here are the pics from our NEW campsite, trust me our night was not ruined..Although we realize we could have stayed in a hilton hotel for the price of our ticket and our new campsite..we had so much fun with Jaimee and Tyler and are so lucky to have them close by.

The next weekend Shawn and I ventured to Brad Paisley and Dierks Bentley..even in the rain. The song "Then" by Brad Paisley was one of the songs on our wedding DVD..and it pretty much makes me tear up everytime I hear it. Shawn has never been a country fan..but little by little he is learning to love it I just know it. I have heard him humming a few country songs not meaning too and I secretly love that he is coming around although he denies it..He had to get our tickets from the Harley Davidson store..I wish I could have seen him in there with all the motorcycle junkies-he was clearly out of his element but im glad he got our tickets.
Last but not least-This past weekend we went to Idaho for mine and Abby's birthdays. All I wanted to do was GO TO IDAHO for my birthday which finishes my proving a point. We went to my grandmas and had a barbecue and rode four wheelers..I was in heaven. I guess it's truth- you can take the girl out of the country..but apparently the country never leaves the girl..And honestly I don't really mind. There's something about the smell of a campfire..or the sound of a fourwheeler..or the leaves turning colors..or kids getting on a bus for the first day of school..that take me right back to where I started..good old Rexburg..and all the friends and family that come with it.

Did I mention before all of that we hit the Idaho State Fair?? I haven't missed one year--I love that place.
**Also, we watched Emily play volleyball..I must admit she is amazing I also must admit and come to accept that she definitely does not in any way shape or form get her skills from me..that may shock a few of you who were once upon a time my teammates.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So very BLESSED..

Unfortunately, being human, I have in the past had a horrible case of looking around me at the millions of fortunate people in the world and wishing me and Shawn were just slightly more fortunate. Somewhere in the midst of limiting my shopping trips and cutting back on the cell phone minutes I have neglected to find the time to realize all that we have. Instead my mind works like this-we are poor because we have to pay for college, we could buy a house but we have an apartment instead, we could live in a far away country saving lives and having adventures but we are in little old utah and missing Arizona and Idaho.
Since we have been married however, I have been amazed at our many thousands and thousands of blessings and I am proud to realize that I am becoming healed from my natural syndrome, and I will not miss it at ALL when it's gone. Shawn is a great cure because no matter what he thinks life is completely wonderful in his eyes and that in itself is the first reason I am blessed :)
This is the face that I LOVE. the laugh that makes me so happy and the smile that greets me everyday when I walk through the door. The number one thing that I realized about Shawn since we have been married is that he is ALWAYS happy. It is so great for me because when I stress about a million little things-which happens a little too often-Shawn reminds me how great our life really is..I am blessed because I see this everyday.

In my very bias opinion I have to say that my sisters made the cutest bridesmaids a girl could ever ask for. My sisters are my favorite people in the world..I have no idea what I would ever do without them..they were the hugest help for our wedding. Jaimee is my neighbor and keeps my daily life exciting, somewhere in the past 22 years she has become my very best friend. Emily's life keeps everyone entertained because there is never a dull moment, and little awkward Abby is all of our favorite, she has her own little world and we love it. Easy to say I am blessed because I know them..

On the sister new sister Anjane has had the amazing chance to adopt a baby! The whole thing has came together in the past week and half and they should have the baby by Friday. Shawn and I can't wait. They are amazing people and deserve the miracle that came their way. I can't wait to go home to Arizona in October and see our new niece!! It is our first niece on Shawn's side of the family and we can't wait to meet her and somehow we already love her and think she is the cutest thing ever just through pictures sent by cell phone. Someday I will go visit her and put her pictures on here so everyone can see how blessed we are, by the miracle that came to Anjane and Lincoln.

To end a post that is already way too long, I have to say that in the end all of these random thoughts bring me here. This is the place Shawn and I were married and the place that seals the deal for our whole crew to never have to miss out on the blessings that being together provides. It is easy to forget, but even easier to remember the many reason that we are fortunate, lucky, blessed, spoiled, etc etc.

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Beginnings

We are home. We are married and back to reality! As soon as I get internet in my apartment I can't wait to download our wedding pictures which I love. Our photographer Julie Parker was so amazing. I have to throw that in. But I am absolutely not talking about the wedding anymore I am SO relieved to have it moving on.

Shawn had his first day of school today at the University of Utah. I am so proud! he is taking 19 very hard credits but he is really smart. I have been lucky enough to never have to be in our apartment without him because before he started school he was always home waiting for me after work. Today I was so sad when he walked out the door with his back pack on..I have to admit I even shed a few tears when I was all alone on my couch at 8am. I'm not used to it. But I'm excited for him and I Love our apartment so I survived..hopefully more to come soon

oh ya! one thing. I cooked my first meal last night..and we had our first company. The meat was quite dry but I was still extremely proud. Also, I have been vacuuming and cleaning and setting up the house and I was surprised that I actually love it. Although, when I vacuum I have mostly only been accumulating fruity pebbles from my cereal loving husband. That shows I obviously need to feed him more. I'm working on it and I'm trying..

Thursday, July 23, 2009


this is my first ever successful picture posted!!
It's all I could find-but I had to do it.
Happy birthday to Jaimee!! 23 I can't believe it. I feel so bad I have been so stressed this summer that I have been far far less then an amazing sister. I had to remind myself just all the reasons I love my sister so SO Very much.

Here's to Jaima..
who by some miracle got me on to the JV cheer squad without any cheer skills whatsoever. honestly none.
who taught me to read before kindergarten
who has adopted herself as the number one planner of my wedding
who split the toilet with me half and half from age 2-6 :)
who spit water in my face every night before bed for at least 5 years
who never fails to make me laugh
who packed up my car and moved me away from home for the very first time
who left me homesick and crying at age 21 and came back the next day to make sure it was alright
who pathetically played the violin with me one too many times in church until we finally gave up
who assisted in getting off my baby chub..when I was 15.
who can eat all the treats in the world and never gain one pound
who I will eventually run a half marathon matter what.
who I will live in the same state as until the day I die
who completely keeps me sane

who I love LOVE LOVE..

Here's to more or less my twin sista..happy bday jaim!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Starting off on the right foot...aka introducing the 'A-Team'

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

well, I have FINALLY attempted my way at starting a blog. Or should I say WE have finally started. Lets be realistic, Shawn will mostly likely never be a big blogger. But still, I say we. we are so excited to get married!! It's coming up on us so fast. I have been going through a bit of a freak out (as excited as I still am) I always wonder what else I could have done, should do or am doing that could be better someway somehow to make ME more prepared for marriage. Maybe you never feel ready. I am almost 22 which seems pretty old. And still, I feel like I would be was better prepared to be that perfect wife everyone dreams of being in 5 maybe 10 years. I have this comfort quote above that keeps me sane. It is my little advice to myself, that the only way we grow is by jumping in and being the best we can be. "Sailing away from the safe harbor" I guess is how Mark Twain likes to say it :) I can't wait to make my attempt at being a fiance, and eventually a wife..and on that is our first step.
Engagements were taken last weekend when Shawn came to visit. It was so fun! Shawn loved the camera way more then me I had never seen that in him before. In our bridals you will see him dancing around and seriously loving every minute of it. I was ready to be done..and Shawn was saying "here i'm doing a trick off the piano, watch me" or "here i'm doing a dance watch me" I was laughing so hard. Thank goodness for his energy. I am determined to start off on the right not think anymore about how much more prepared or ready I could try to be. I am ready today to get married tomorrow and I can't wait :)
Oh ya. The picture posting didn't work out for me. I am going to talk to my wonderful sister Jaimee and figure out how and post our engagments in the next few days..wish me luck.