Saturday, November 7, 2009

Confessions of an honest housewife..

Well, I had big dreams. I had dreams of being a housewife that always had beautiful hair when her husband returned home for the day, and dinner fresh on the stove in a sparkling clean kitchen-oh ya with cookies baking and all the toilets scrubbed. I had dreams of bringing my nursing skills home from work and nursing my husband back to full health after a week of midterms, an internship and chemistry lab. I had plans for always having matching socks, fresh folded laundry and a painted entertainment center. I pictured well my husband getting off the trax to see his cute wife, who of course gets skinnier and more young and beautiful by the day, right on time to greet him with a bright white smile and a huge happy hug.

CONFESSION: NONE of this has happened for more then two consecutive days in a row. My hair has donned the beloved ponytail at least 85% of our married life, however I am nice enough to spice it up with a plethora of different headbands-and if we are lucky possibly a braid. My enthusiasm for cooking is starting to diminish as I have realized the dreaded truth that by the time I buy every ingredient for a recipe, mess up the kitchen, slice my hand on a soup can while talking on the phone, and proceed to clean up the kitchen-I may as well have spent ten dollars on takeout. I would spend ten dollars to save that hassle..even if I am on a budget. OH wait..and since Shawn is nice enough to take the trax while we are living the glorious newlywed life of one car-he has yet to get off the Trax and find his faithful wife there waiting. Instead..he sees a black corolla squealing into the parking lot, trying-just trying to live her dream. And that my friends is how I ended up with my $150 dollar ticket this week.

We have a wonderful life despite my struggles..Usually when we throw our feet up at the end of the day..Shawn is wearing one NIke sock and one pink little girl sock (my fault)..Last week I did forget to empty the lint in the process of working on my fresh laundry-and we had a very terrifying disaster that I won't include..

But we laugh our heads off together-just the two of us in our lovely apartment that smells like fall, and we laugh that we are slightly pathetic..and we write goals every Sunday of how our next week will be better..and eventually we will. Just wait and see..but eventually is not right now. For now, if you need us-we will be just enjoying eachother's company and forgetting about the fire starting in our drier, the burnt chicken on the oven, and the fact that we were late for school and work not one, but two days in a row. I dare you to compete with that..:) Happy Homemaking everyone--


  1. Oh, Ashley...I love you!! You are hilarious. It's those super fun night shifts on ICS, right?? Too bad I'm downstairs tonight!

  2. Nice to know that I'm not the only one! Congrats on the dryer fire! That takes some serious skills haha!

  3. Hah I love you.. your blog is always so entertaining! and yes I am impressed with the dryer fire as well. Your the best homemaker EVER!! love ya

  4. hahahaha dieing laughing who knew you were such a good writer! glad you two are doing good you guys are the cutest

  5. ASH!!
    You are a very talented writer--did you know that? Maybe you could do journalism on the side or something. I know where it came from too ash... from reading all of Anne of Green Gables hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I love it. No really though, I enjoy reading your blog and it makes me smile.
    Trust me, homemaking skills takes time. Especially when past roomates only ate mac n cheese and queso's hhahaha Good times. Keep making the days count, not counting the days. Love ya,

  6. this was SOOOOOOOO funny, loved this post. yes homemaking is a lot more work then the credit given!

  7. I know how you feel. Every day all I do is cook and clean up after everyone. And I have to tell you... it does not get easier. It only gets harder with kids. Haha. Everyday I try to have a beautiful dinner with the house perfect and my hair done and I try to work out and spend time with both of my girls and then spend time with Ryan. It is so hard to do everything. But if it was all just perfect and life was easy why would we even be here? No ones life is perfect even if it seems like it is. I love the new love that you guys have. It is refreshing! Love you Ash!

  8. You are hilarious, girl! Making the adjustment from the dreams of homemaking and domestic goddess to reality is tough, eh? I'm right there with you. Sorry about that ticket--ouch!

  9. You're so cute Ash! I'm still dreaming that dream, but since I work full time I'm rarely home to greet my husband when he gets off work. Sometimes I miss those days when I knew how my life was going to turn out--it was much easier when I knew exactly what was in store for me. :)
