Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busy Little Bee..

Or actually I think I'm a big bee now :)
Either way, Shawn has been busy with finals..boring. I hate it because he is gone night and day. I have found something new to fill my free time, no one will probably ever see these things in real life so I have to put them on here for a little validation! It took more work then I thought, especially the chair..Please check out the projects that have been my friends the past few weeks and done a great job of keeping me company..

This is the bedding my mom made a few weeks ago. I really tried to help, but in all honesty she would have been better off without me. Every time I see it I think about her being so excited and trying to teach me little things about sewing,and Aunt Abby staying up late after we were too tired to keep our eyes open and finish tying the quilt so I could take it home to Utah with me the next morning. I love those two they are the best with all the grandkids and neices/nephews.

This is an old lamp that my aunt gave us after we got married. It is pretty plain, but lamps are expensive and we are NOT I made it into a lamp that I liked just a litle more. Both of my feet went to sleep at the same time while i was making this lamp because I was kneeling on them for too long and it was the most pain I've ever had. way worse then any part of being pregnant.

This my friends is my very favorite! The best for last..again this is attributed to my MOM. Last summer we walked down to a garage sale and found this rocking chair. It was so comfy and it just seemed perfect for a nursery..the shape of the chair was perfect--but the fabric was HIDEOUS.

We dragged it all the way home, it was only $30. I was hesitant but she knew rocking chairs like this are hard to find for a good price. I bought the fabric to recover it and my neighbor came over to help me. I have to be honest, she pretty much ended up doing it while I watched, but I did my best to help every step of the way. It was much more physical labor then I thought, we had to use a complete set of tools. My back was killing me and I had cramps by the time we were done, I actually called in sick for the first time in my seven months of being pregnant the next day. I will NOT be recovering another chair anytime soon..but this is now my favorite thing in the nursery. I hope I can use it for a boy or girl so I tried to pick neutral fabric. It is so comfy and I have spent a lot of time making sure I am getting good at rocking in it.

I had lots of help with these projects but they kept me thoroughly entertained all week..Everything we have in our nursery is home made or from a garage sale except our crib itself. I still have a little table and a changing table to re-paint. Your nursery is made with love little boy, because your mom is saving her dollars! Even if me and you are the only two people who ever see it...


  1. I LOVE all of it! Great job Ashley. You are the cutest little mommy. Can't wait for my nephew to get here!!!

  2. ash I'm loving the nursery! The rocking chair looks awesome. Doesn't working on the nursery make you excite? I can't wait till he arrives! Any names?

  3. ASH!! I am SO impressed... that is possibly the cutest chair I've ever seen. You have been so busy busy for sure! But if your not to busy this week I'm in Utah with nothing to do! So let's FINALLY get together! love ya

  4. crafty crafty!! the nursery looks great!!

  5. Your nursery is adorable! Can I have your chair? Super cute! I loved putting my nursery together. It just made everything seem so real!

  6. Oh your projects look so wonderful!! I want to learn how to cover a chair!! I bet it was hard. Tomorrow is my craft/projects day, I hope it turns out as great as yours did! Good luck with the little beeb coming soon. He is going to be every so handsome.
