Saturday, October 2, 2010

23 is awesome.

Today we went to conference. Just what I needed. I wore my highest shoes so that no one could block my view this year when the prophet walked in, and it worked. I love that feeling. Being able to attend conference a few times since we have lived in Utah is one of my most favorite memories of the time we have spent here..

A few days ago I woke up and all the sudden I was 23..
I woke up to breakfast in bed, for the first time ever in my life. For some reason breakfast tastes better in bed and no one ever filled me in on that. We made our way out to the couch and cuddled for a really long time, because time doesn't really matter on your birthday (neither do calories :))
We look five when we wake up-

Because we had all the time and calories in the world to spare, we went to lunch at Elizabeth's tea shop and bakery..hmm my husband knows me so well.

The afternoon I spent with two of my favorite girls shopping. Jaimee and I bought Sophie some jeggings and some wanna be ugg boots. It was pretty close to the highlight of my day.

Also during my birthday week Shawn and I drove up to a quiet lake at Brighton resort. I have been wanting to do the hike up to Twin Lakes or Lake Solitude but Shawn had homework :( If anyone lives close who likes to hike I'm ready for it before it gets too cold! The leaves are changing and it was so heavenly at night.
There was a perfect reflection in the water-

Now I am the same age as my husband again. I have to quiet my mind when it starts heading back to my teenage years reminding me that I thought I would have life figured out and be perfectly settled into adult life by the time I was in my twenties. None of that happened. Oh well.
23 is here like it or not. And since it's here either way, 23 is going to be awesome.


  1. I can't believe you are 23! Congratulations on the big day- it sounds like you have an adorable husband who made it awesome! You two are so cute together.

  2. Happy Birthday ASH! I agree that time doesn't matter on your's like its a good excuse for us to do whatever we want yanno? I guess its the only time I felt justified in not being overly productive. I love it when men just suck it up and decide to do "cute" things, even if they don't want to--like breakfast in bed. I love it. So on your birthday, let me just say "Thank you" for your wonderful example growing up. Despite all you go through at certain times in your life, you are able to get through it while keeping in mind what's most important. I'm so grateful for your example, your personality, and your attitude. Keep living life to its fullest in every stage. It's all so fun! Love you ash.
    Ashley A

  3. happy happy birthday! it looks like you had a great day.. shawn is such a good guy!

  4. Awww thats what is supposed to happen on our birthdays. I am glad that you have a good man that made that day special for you! I think ONE of the reasons that I love reading your blog is because I love how "cute" you and your husband are together! You deserve the best! I love the pictures!

  5. Happy birthday! I have kids and I don't know what I am doing. When will we have things figured out? I don't think I will ever. I love looking at your blog. You guys are the cutest couple. I want to come down and spend a day with you and Jaimee. I love both of you and we could do a lot of fun things. Keep posting because I love your posts.
